Introduction: Netflix’s Argentine original film, “Goyo,” directed by Marcos Carnevale, has recently graced our screens. The movie invites viewers into the world of Gregorio “Goyo” Villanueva, a man with Asperger’s syndrome, whose structured life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Eva, the new security guard at the Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. As critics weigh in, let’s explore their perspectives on this heartfelt romance.
The Plot: Goyo, portrayed by Nicolás Furtado, is a devoted guide at the museum, his passion for Van Gogh fueling his days. Eva (played by Nancy Dupláa) enters his life, a woman who has lost faith in love due to her own marital crisis. Their encounter sparks a journey of self-discovery, challenging preconceptions about love and acceptance.
Critics’ Perspectives:
- OtrosCines: The film receives praise for its sensitivity and conviction in performances. Both the lead actors and supporting cast contribute to the film’s nobility and effectiveness.
- MicropsiaCine: Describing “Goyo” as simple, emotive, and conventional, this review acknowledges its amiable qualities. While it doesn’t break new ground, it resonates with audiences.
- La Nación: Highlighting the deep and enjoyable love story, the film’s protagonists receive accolades for their compelling performances. Despite some familiar elements, “Goyo” strikes a balance between sentimentality and simplicity
Conclusion: “Goyo” may not reinvent the romance genre, but its portrayal of love blossoming amidst the challenges of Asperger’s offers a refreshing perspective. As viewers, we witness the power of acceptance and vulnerability, beautifully captured within the confines of a museum. Whether you’re a fan of heartfelt dramas or simply seeking a touching story, “Goyo” is worth adding to your watchlist. So, grab your popcorn, settle in, and let this Argentine gem tug at your heartstrings.