In a shocking and tragic incident, a 17-year-old boy is being questioned by police following a mass stabbing at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event in Southport, England. The attack, which occurred on Monday morning, has left two children dead and several others critically...
Introduction: Netflix’s Argentine original film, “Goyo,” directed by Marcos Carnevale, has recently graced our screens. The movie invites viewers into the world of Gregorio “Goyo” Villanueva, a man with Asperger’s syndrome, whose structured life takes an...
Thierry Luthers, a multifaceted journalist, broadcaster, singer, historian, and author, has embarked on an exciting new journey after his remarkable 42-year tenure at RTBF. His departure from the Belgian public broadcaster marks the end of...
Chris Hemsworth, the Aussie heartthrob, traded his usual superhero attire for comfy travel wear as he jetted out of Sydney Airport with his wife Elsa Pataky this past weekend. Their destination? The star-studded 2024 Met...
In 1997, the Chicago Bulls etched their name in basketball history by securing their fifth NBA championship in seven years. Led by the legendary...
1. Customization Options:
iOS 18 introduces new levels of customization for iPhone users. You can now arrange apps and widgets anywhere on the Home Screen,...
A wealthy California socialite, Rebecca Grossman, co-founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation, has been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for a tragic hit-and-run incident that...
University of Connecticut basketball coach Dan Hurley has made a decisive choice: he’s staying with the Huskies and turning down an enticing offer from...