In a shocking and tragic incident, a 17-year-old boy is being questioned by police following a mass stabbing at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event in Southport, England. The attack, which occurred on Monday morning, has left two children dead and several others critically...
Introduction: Netflix’s Argentine original film, “Goyo,” directed by Marcos Carnevale, has recently graced our screens. The movie invites viewers into the world of Gregorio “Goyo” Villanueva, a man with Asperger’s syndrome, whose structured life takes an...
May, at first glance, might appear to be an unpopular time for diving into mystery series; nevertheless, no one fascination can surpass the mystery behind the world as we know it. Whether it is an...
New details have emerged regarding the October 2022 attack on the Crimea Bridge, a strategic link between Russia and the annexed Crimean Peninsula. According to a report by the Russian newspaper...
U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert recently made headlines when she was diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome (MTS). This relatively uncommon vascular condition affects blood flow and can...